Screw Plug Immersion Heaters

Screw Plug Immersion Heaters consist of tubular elements welded or brazed into a threaded screw plug which can then be inserted into a threaded opening in a tank wall or through a mating full or half coupling.
Cartridge heaters are an excellent choice to use as a conductive source for heating solid metal plates, blocks and dies or as a convective heat source for use in a variety of liquids and gases. Cartridge heaters can be used in a vacuum atmosphere with proper design guidelines.
Typical Applications
- Caustic Solutions
- Clean Water
- Degreasing Solutions
- Demineralized Water
- Dionized Water
- Forced Air & Gases
- Fuel Oils
- Heat Transfer Oils
- Lightweight Oils
- Liquid Paraffin
- Medium Weight Oils
- Process Water
Sheath Materials
- Incoloy®
- Stainless Steel
Screw Plug Materials
- Brass
- Stainless Steel
- Steel
Watt Densities for Typical Applications
- 8 watts/in2 (1.3 watts/cm2) - Typical Applications: Fuel Oils (Bunker C and Number 6)
- 15 watts/in2 (2.3 watts/cm2) - Typical Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils
- 16 watts/in2 (2.5 watts/cm2) - Typical Applications: Medium Weight Oils, Heat Transfer Oils, Liquid Paraffin
- 23 watts/in2 (3.6 watts/cm2) - Typical Applications: Forced Air & Gases, Caustic Solutions
- 48 watts/in2 (7.5 watts/cm2) - Typical Applications: Process Water
- 60 watts/in2 (9.3 watts/cm2) - Typical Applications: Clean Water, Deionized Water, Demineralized Water